• International Desalination Association Energy Task Force Meeting In Abu Dhabi Deemed A Success

    Establishes Strategic Framework, Announces Timeline

    The International Deesalination Association (IDA) convened the first meeting of its global Energy Task force on January 15 in conjunction with the International Water Summit (IWS) in Abu Dhabi. The purpose of this meeting was to create a framework for the establishment of guidelines to meet its goal of achieving a 20% reduction in energy consumption in all major seawater desalination processes by 2015.

    The Energy Task Force meeting was extremely productive and was well attended by both Task Force members and many well-informed observers who were participating in the International Water Summit. Everyone was highly engaged in the discussions, which were intense and very valuable in charting the course forward,†said Leon Awerbuch, Co-chair of the IDA Energy Task Force Committee and moderator of the Task Force meeting. “Further increasing energy efficiency is an important objective for the desalination industry, which has achieved a more than 50% reduction in energy consumption over the past two decades,†he added.

    After attendees gathered at the Hyatt Capital Gate for networking, discussions began with welcome remarks by Dr. Corrado Sommariva, President of IDA; a perspective on the evolution of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) by Miguel Angel Sanz, Co-chair of the IDA Energy Task Force; and a review of the goals of IDA’s Energy and Environmental Task Force in terms of energy reduction, carbon footprint and decreasing the cost of desalination, presented by Mr. Awerbuch.

    The discussions covered numerous topics involved in establishing a strategic framework, including:

    Benchmarks for current energy requirements for desalination from which the Task Force will target the 20% energy reduction.

    The preliminary method for reporting energy consumption for membrane and thermal processes.

    The impact of seawater temperature, recovery and seawater salinity on energy consumption for membrane processes, and of steam condition and other parameters of feedwater and recovery on thermal processes.

    Utilization of new technologies to upgrade the capacity and efficiency of existing desalination plants.

    Exploring the role of renewable and waste energy in accounting for the efficiency of desalination processes.

    It was decided to separate the energy requirements for process from pretreatment aspects and seawater intakes, keeping in mind that all the components impact the cost of desalinated water.

    “The group discussed many examples and explored suggested directions in energy improvements. We also established preliminary agreement on the theoretical minimum energy requirements of desalination, so we can gauge our goal,†said Awerbuch.

    As a result of the meeting, the Energy Task Force will be divided into four subgroups, each of which is charged with closely examining current and prospective solutions in specific aspects of desalination. Assignment of Task Force members to each subgroup will be completed by the end of January. The subgroups are:

    Membrane processes – existingg and innovating solutions

    Thermal and hybrid desalination – existing and innovating solutions

    Forecast for innovating solutions including renewables

    Awareness and implementation

    In addition, the Task Force also proposed a commitment and partnership with different representative groups, including construction companies; desalination equipment suppliers; governments, local authorities and public utilities boards; and private users, academia and research centers.

    The Task Force also established the following timeline for development of its guidelines for reducing energy consumption:

    By August 2013, the Task Force will confirm and justify its targets.

    The next formal meeting of the Energy Task Force will be held during the 2013 IDA World, which takes place October 20 -25 in Tianjin, China.

    In the second half of 2014, IDA will organize a follow-up conference on Energy in Desalination that will also include participation by its Environmental Task Force.

    At the 2015 IDA World Congress (location to be determined), the Task Force will present the recommended guidelines to achieve the 20% energy reduction goal.

    The Task Force is composed of a network of experts from around the world, representing utilities (end-users), suppliers, consultants, research & development institutions and academia, as well as IDA’s Technical Programs Committee. It will be expanded to include new members who can help with carbon footprint analysis and renewable technologies in desalination.

    Awerbuch reiterated that the goal of the Energy Task Force reflects IDA’s mission. “IDA views desalination as a critical part of the solution to address the world’s water problems. We advocate its use as a socially and environmentally responsible, reliable and sustainable source of fresh water in all parts of the globe. IDA supports the development of technological solutions that lower costs and reduce energy requirements,†he said.

    About IDA
    The International Desalination Association (www.idadesal.org) is a non-profit association that serves more than 2,400 core members in 60 countries and reaches an additional 4,000 affiliate members. Its membership comprises scientists, end-users, engineers, consultants and researchers from governments, corporations and academia. IDA is associated with the United Nations as part of a growing international network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

    Emirate:  Abu Dhabi

    Date: Jan 17, 2013


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